The members of the Lexington Community Orchestra extend our heartfelt thanks to the following for their support of the 2024-25 concert season:
Casey Anderson
Barbara Atkins
Annette Castle
Thomas Chambers
Michelle Clouse
Chelsea Compton
PK Compton
Bradley Dalton
Eric & Laura Duncan
Nicole Garlin
Miller Gaunce
Bryan Gilliam
Daryl Greer
Belinda Hardin
Ellora McCauley
Jennifer McGowan
Nancy McKenney
Melissa Patrick
Sarah Petrie
Jennifer Dolly Prothro
Anna Rauber-Ramos
Marianne Sherman
Andrea Welker
Kirby Lin Whitman
Sponsorships & In-Kind
We could not make music without you. Thank you!
If your business or community group is interested in volunteering, sponsoring or making an in-kind donation to help bring classical music to a broader audience in Central Kentucky, please email LexingtonCommunityOrchestra [at]
To make your own financial contribution, you may do so through our PayPay link below. Thank you!