Lexington Community Orchestra members hold themselves and each other to a high standard of excellence. Expectations include:
Be present and on time for rehearsals
Be attentive, engaged, considerate, and responsible during rehearsals
Practice individual parts outside of rehearsals
Come to rehearsals prepared with a music stand and pencil
Regular weekly rehearsal attendance is expected (Tuesdays, 7:30-9:30pm)
If it is necessary to be tardy or absent, notify in advance your sectionleader (strings), music director (winds/brass/percussion), and/orpersonnel director
Members may not be absent for more than 25% of rehearsals for aconcert (special circumstances are considered)
Pay dues each semester in timely manner ($50 per semester, or $35 for students)
Interested in joining? Send an email to LexingtonCommunityOrchestra [at] gmail.com and tell us more about your musical background! Please note, new members are most often accepted at the beginning of each semester: in early fall (prior to Labor Day) and spring (prior to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).